Formerly in Betawi, there was a warrior named Pitung. He was a child from Bang Piun and Mpok Pinah. He was often called Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung is a kind warrior. Dahulu di betawi,ada seorang pendekar bernama pitung.Ia adalah anak dari bang Piun dan Mpok pinah.Ia sering di panggil dengan sebutan bang Pitung.Bang Pitung adalah pendekar yang baik hati. bedient to religion and like to help others. Pang Pitung also has extraordinary powers. He is not able to penetrate weapons. Neighbors neighbors Pitung live in shortage. The pitung also feels pity. Especially the rich people get richer, regardless poor people. Patuh terhadap agama dan suka menolong sesama.Bang Pitung pun memiliki kesaktian yang luar biasa.Ia tak mempan di tembus senjata.Tetangga-tetangga bang Pitung hidup serba kekurangan.Bang pitung pun merasa iba.Apalagi orang-orang yang kaya semakin kaya,tanpa memperdulikan rakyat yang miskin. "I have to do something to help the people," said Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung als...


Black rats and white mice had been friends since childhood. But, their lives were very different. The white mouse lived luxuriously because it rested on a rich person.
Tikus hitam dan tikus putih sudah bersahabat sejak kecil.Tapi,kehidupan mereka sangat berbeda.Tikus putih hidup sangat mewah arena ia menumpang di tempat orang kaya.
There was certainly a lot of food there. While the black rat lives in the garden. He did everything by himself. But he had his own house. It was not luxurious but comfortable to live in.
Sudah pasti ada banyak makanan di sana.Sedangkan tikus hitam tinggal di kebun.Ia melakukan semua sendirian.namun ia memiliki rumah sendiri.Meski tidak mewah tapi nyaman untuk ditinggali.
One day, a white mouse came to the house of a black rat. At that time black rats were harvesting the results of their fields.
Suatu hari.tikus putih bertandang ke rumah tikus hitam.Saat itu,tikus putih sedang memanen hasil ladangnya.
Friend, why bother to plant in the fields? You better come to my place. There are lots of delicious food, without bottering  to plant it, "the white mouse persuaded.
Kawan ,mengapakau harus repot-repot menanam di ladang?Lebih baik kau ikut ke tempatku.Disana ada banyak makanan yang lezat,tanpa perlu reot0repot menanamnya,"bujuk tikus putih.
Hearing this, the black rat became tempted. He was also willing to move to the house of the white
Mendengar hal itu,Tikus hitam menjadi tergiurIa pun bersedia pindah ke rumah tikus putih.mouse.
"Wow, it's very comfortable where you live. All your food is delicious. Your texture is also very soft. Looks like I will feel at home here, "said the black cucumber when he arrived at the house of the white mouse.
Wah nyaman sekali tempat tinggalmu.Semua makananmu lezat.Ksuurmu juga sangat empuk.Sepertinya aku akan betah tinggal disini.,"ucap tukus hitam sesampainya di rumah tikus putih.
The white mouse smiled proudly, then said, "just think of your friend's own house."
Tikus putih tersenyum bangga,lalu berkata,"anggap saja rumah sendiri kawan."
Black rats enjoyed their new home. But after a few days of living in the house of white rats, black mice began to feel uncomfortable.
Tikus hitam menikmati rumah barunya.Tapi setelah beberapa hari tinggal di rumah tikus putih,tikus hitam muali merasa tak nyaman.
He just found out that all the food he got was from stealing food from the owner's house. When taking the food, they have to deal with a very large cat.
Ia baru tahu bahwa semua makanan yang ia dapat itu dai hasil mencuri makanan milik pemilik rumah. Saat mengambil makanan itu,mereka harus berhadapan dengan seekor kucing yang sangat besar.
Black rats were thinking of returning to their home.
Tikus hitam pun berfikir untuk kembali ke rumahnya.
"My friend wants to go back to my house," said the black rat at bedtime.
"Kawan aku ingin kembali ke rumahku,"ucap tikus hitam saat menjelang tidur.
"Why? Isn't this place very comfortable?" Replied the white rat in surprise.
"Loh kenapa?bukankah tempat ini sangat nyaman?"balas tikus putih dengan heran.
"This place is very comfortable, the food is very delicious. But, I feel more comfortable in my own place. I don't need to steal to get food."
"Tempat ini memang sangat nyaman,makanannya oun sangat lezat.Tapi,aku merasa lebih nyaman berada di tempatku sendiri.Aku tak perlu mencuri untuk mendapatkan makanan."
There are big cats that can prey at any time. I'm not strong if I linger here, "explained the black rat.
Ada kucing besar yang bisa memangsa kapan saja.Aku tak kuat bila berlama-lama disini,"jelas tikus hitam.
Ah, that was true of the black mouse, all day long white mice had to hide from cats. In fact, if he was seen by the owner of the house, he must be expelled.
Ah,benar juga kata tikus hitam.Sepanjang hari,tikus putih harus bersembunyi dari kucing.Bahkan,jika ia terlihat oleh pemilik rumah,pasti ia diusir.
Hearing the words of black rats, the white rats felt embarrassed. Indeed, they were most comfortable living in their own homes. Moreover, if looking for food not by stealing, it would certainly feel more peaceful.
Mendengar perkataan tikus hitam,tikus putih pun merasa malu.Memang paling nyaman tingal di rumah sendiri.Apalagi,jika mencari makanan tidak dengan mencuri,pasti akan terasa lbih damai.
The black rat returned to his house in the field. He continued his past life.
Tikus hitam pun kembali ke rumahnya yang berada di ladang.Ia melanjutkan kehidupan yang lalu.

Moral message

Friend, like any home, it would be more convenient to compare someone else's house.

Kawan,sepertimapapun rumah sendiri,itu akan lebih nyamandi bandingkan rumah 
orang lain.

Thanks for reading Bedtime story 4 for children in my blog.


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