Formerly in Betawi, there was a warrior named Pitung. He was a child from Bang Piun and Mpok Pinah. He was often called Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung is a kind warrior. Dahulu di betawi,ada seorang pendekar bernama pitung.Ia adalah anak dari bang Piun dan Mpok pinah.Ia sering di panggil dengan sebutan bang Pitung.Bang Pitung adalah pendekar yang baik hati. bedient to religion and like to help others. Pang Pitung also has extraordinary powers. He is not able to penetrate weapons. Neighbors neighbors Pitung live in shortage. The pitung also feels pity. Especially the rich people get richer, regardless poor people. Patuh terhadap agama dan suka menolong sesama.Bang Pitung pun memiliki kesaktian yang luar biasa.Ia tak mempan di tembus senjata.Tetangga-tetangga bang Pitung hidup serba kekurangan.Bang pitung pun merasa iba.Apalagi orang-orang yang kaya semakin kaya,tanpa memperdulikan rakyat yang miskin. "I have to do something to help the people," said Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung als...


In one country birds live freely. Every day birds can be found in the branches of trees. Among the birds, there is one of the rare birds, the white swans.
Di salah satu negri burung hidup dengan bebas.Setiap hari dapat dijumpai burung-burung di dahan pohon.Di antara burung-burung itu,ada salah satu burung langka,yaitu angsa putih.
There is only one white goose in the country. The child is very graceful. But because there is only one, the goose is hard to find. Only lucky people can see it.
Angsa putih hanya ada satu di negeri itu.Angsa itu sangat anggun.Namun karena hanya satu,angsa itu sulit untuk ditemukan.Hanya orang beruntunglah yang dapat melihatnya.
News about the elegance of the bird was heard up to the palace. The queen became curious about the white swan. She wanted to see the white swan and have it. Because the King was very fond of the Queen, he also gave a contest to the people.
Berita tentang keanggunan burung itu pun terdengar sampai di istana.Ratu jadi penasaran dengan angsa putih.Ia ingin melihat angsa putih dan memilikinya.Karena Raja sangat menyayangi Ratu,ia pun memberikan sayembara kepada rakyat.
"Whoever can find the goose will be given a lot of gold," said the King's contest
In an instant, the people flocked to find the swans. They descended into the forest. Yes, everyone wanted to get a present from the King.
"Barang siapa yang bisa menemukan angsa itu akan diberi emas yang banyak,"begitu sayembara Raja.
Dengan sekejab,rakyat berbondong-bondong mencari angsa ituMereka turun ke hutan .Ya,semuanya ingin mendapatkan hadiah dari Raja.
For days the people searched but no one found the white goose. The white man seemed to be hiding. There was no trace of the presence of white swans at all. They only met peacocks, doves and other birds.
Berhari-hari rakyat mencari namun tak seorangpun yang menemukan angsa putih.Angsa putih seolah bersembunyi.Tak ada jejak keberadaan angsa putih sama sekali.Mereka hanya menemui burung merak,burung merpati dan burung yang lain.
Because it was difficult to find the white swan people were desperate and stopped looking for white swans. One afternoon a young man named Darres was going to the forest to look for hunted animals. But apparently he was lucky. He actually saw a white goose swimming in the middle river of the forest.
Karena sulit menemukan angsa putih rakyat pun ptus asa dan berhenti mencari angsa putih.Pada suatu sore seorang pemuda bernama Darres sedang pergi ke hutan untuk mencari binatang buruan.Tapi rupanya ia sedang beruntung.Ia justru melihat angsa putih sedang berenang di sungai tengah hutan.
It really looks elegant, white and shining. With extreme care, Darres approaches the goose, suddenly a dove startles Darres. It makes the white goose realize the presence of Darres. When the goose goes away.
Benar-benar terlihat anggun,putih dan bersinar.Dengan sangat hati-hati,Darres mendekati angsa itu,tiba-tiba seekor burung merpati mengagetkan Darres.Hal itu membuat angsa putih menyadari kehadiran Darres.Seketika angsa itu pergi menjauh.
"Even though there are only a few more geese, I can reach it," Darres muttered irritably.
Now, Darres's goal is no longer looking for hunted animals, but catching white swans. With much effort he searched, finally the puth goose was found on a tree branch.
"Padahal tinggal sedikit lagi angsa itu bisa ku tangakap,"gerutu Darres kesal.
Kini,tujuan Darres tidak lagi mencari hewan buruan,tapi menangkap angsa putih.Dengan susah payah ia mencari,akhirnya angsa puth kembali di temukan di dahan pohon.
Darres was ready to catch the goose, but a thick-haired squirrel jumped towards Darres. Damas was surprised again that white swans were aware of Darres's existence.
Darres bersiap menangkap angsa,Namun seekor tupai berambut tebal melompat ke arah Darres.Darres kaget lagi-lagi angsa putih menyadari keberadaan Darres.
After a while Darres returned to find the white swan on a rock. Drar didn't want to fail for the third time, he pulled his arrow and was ready to shoot the goose. One ... two ... three ...
The arrow shot very fast and managed to hit the goose wing. The boy tried to run away, but his wings felt very painful.
Setelah beberapa lama Darres kembali menemukan angsa putih di atas batu.Darres tak ingin gagal untuk ketiga kalinya,ia menarik anak panahnya dan siap menembak angsa.Satu....dua....tiga....
Anak panah melesat sangat cepat dan berhasil mengenaii sayap angsa.Angsa berusaha kabur,tapi sayapnya terasa sangat sakit.
Darres was trying to take the goose and bring it home. He intends to give it to the King. But something strange suddenly happens. The white man sheds tears, like he is sad.
Darres pun berusaha untuk mengambil angsa itu dan membawanya pulang.Ia berniat akan memberikannya kepada Raja.Namun sesuatu yang aneh tiba-tiba terjadi.Angsa putih itu mengeluarkan air mata,seperti sedang bersedih.
Seeing the swan crying Darres felt sorry for him. He decided to look after the white goose. Darres kept the white goose for days. He devoted his love to the white goose. Time passed. When dares were playing with swans, a miracle suddenly occurred.
Melihat angsa yang menangis Darres merasa kasihan.Ia pun memutuskan untuk memelihara angsa putih itu.Berhari-hari Darres memelihara angsa putih itu.Ia mencurahkan kasih sayangnya kepada angsa putih.Waktu pun berlalu.Saat dares sedang bermain dengan angsa,tiba-tiba terjadi keajaiban.
From the body of the goose suddenly there was a very bright light.Cling! Olala, suddenly the white swan turned into a very beautiful girl. Apparently the goose was the incarnation of a princess. She was turned into a goose by her stepmother.
Dari tubuh angsa tiba-tiba muncul cahaya yang sangat terang.Cling!Olala,tiba-tiba angsa putih berubah menjadi gadis yang sangat cantik.Ternyata angsa itu adalah jelmaan seorang putri.Ia diubah menjadi angsa oleh ibu tirinya.
Because his stepmother is jealous of him. Only sincerity can eliminate the curse. Darres's sincere care for the white goose has removed the curse and returned the princess to its original form. Finally the daughter and Darres married and lived happily.
Karena ibu tirinya iri terhadapnya.Hanya ketulusan yang bisa melenyapkan kutukan itu.Rupanya ketulusan hati Darres yang merawat angsa  putih telah menghilangkan kutukan dan mengembalikan putri ke wujud aslinya.Akhirnya putri dan Darres menikah dan hidup bahagia.

moral message
helping must be selfless.
menolong itu harus iklas tanpa pamrih.

Thanks for reading BEDTIME STORY 4 FOR CHILDREN in my blog.


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