Formerly in Betawi, there was a warrior named Pitung. He was a child from Bang Piun and Mpok Pinah. He was often called Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung is a kind warrior. Dahulu di betawi,ada seorang pendekar bernama pitung.Ia adalah anak dari bang Piun dan Mpok pinah.Ia sering di panggil dengan sebutan bang Pitung.Bang Pitung adalah pendekar yang baik hati. bedient to religion and like to help others. Pang Pitung also has extraordinary powers. He is not able to penetrate weapons. Neighbors neighbors Pitung live in shortage. The pitung also feels pity. Especially the rich people get richer, regardless poor people. Patuh terhadap agama dan suka menolong sesama.Bang Pitung pun memiliki kesaktian yang luar biasa.Ia tak mempan di tembus senjata.Tetangga-tetangga bang Pitung hidup serba kekurangan.Bang pitung pun merasa iba.Apalagi orang-orang yang kaya semakin kaya,tanpa memperdulikan rakyat yang miskin. "I have to do something to help the people," said Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung als

Kancil stole cucumbers(Kancil mencuri timun)

Kancil stole the timuhutan being hit by a long dry season. As a result the food in the forest runs out. The river dries up. You don't want animals in the forest to go out to find food. No exception, deer. He is confused looking for food.
Kancil mencuri timuhutan sedang dilanda kemarau panjang.Akibatnya makanan di hutan habis.Sungai pun mengering.Mau-tak mau binatang di dalam hutan harus keluar untuk mencari makan.Tak terkecuali kancil.Ia sedang kebingungan mencari makan.
"Where should I look for food? If I survive in this forest I might starve to death," murmured the deer.
Kancil walked out of the forest while walking. Suddenly he saw a farmer's field full of fresh cucumbers.
"Kemana aku harus mencari makan?Jika bertahan di hutan ini bisa-bisa aku mati kelaparan,"gumam kancil.
Kancilpun berjalan keluar hutan saat sedang berjalan.Tiba-tiba ia melihat ladang petani yang penuh dengan timun-timun segar.
mmediately the mouse deer appeared to devour the cucumber. "Maybe it's okay, if I use a little cucumber belongs to the farmer," said the deer.
The cucumber turned out to be very tasty. Without realizing it, deer ate the cucumbers until they were full. Kancil went home with a happy heart.
seketika muncul keinginan kancil untuk melahab timun itu."Mungkin tak apa-apa,jika aku memaka sedikit timun milik pak tani,"ucap kancil.
Timun itu ternyata sangat enak.Tanpa disadari,kancil memakan timun-timun itu sampai kenyang.Kancil pun pulang dengan hati yang senang.
"I don't need to go from the forest to look for food. Farmers are having a lot of food," murmured mouse deer. Just the next day, the mouse deer often visited the farmer's fields. He ate cucumbers belonging to the farmer. The farmers became furious.
"Aku tak perlu pergi dari hutan untuk mencari makanan.Diladang petani ada banyak sekali makanan,"gumam kancil.Benar saja hari berikutnya,kancil sering mengunjungi ladang pak tani.Ia memakan timun milik pak tani.Lama-kelamaan petani menjadi geram.
"I have to give a lesson to the thief. But how?" Thought the farmer. Peasant kept thinking until he found an idea. The peasant took his unused clothes, caping and coconut. . Then he put it in the cucumber field.
"Aku harus memberi pelajaran pada si pencuri.Tapi bagaimana caranya?"pikir petani.Petani terus berfikir sampai ia menemukan ide.Pak tani mengambil bajunya yang sudah tak dipakai,caping dan kelapa.Lalu ia menyatukan semua itu,membentuknya menjadi orang -orangan sawah.Kemudian ia meletakkannya di ladang timun.
"You will be frightened when you see these scarecrows," murmured the farmer. The deer who was hungry returned to the farmer's fields. He was impatient to eat as much cucumber as soon as possible.
"Kau akan ketakutan begitu melihat orang-orangan sawah ini,"gumam petani.Kancil yang merasa lapar pun kembali ke ladang petani.Ia sidah tidak sabar segera makan timun sebanyak-banyaknya.
"I will make my stomach full, so that not many times to the field. If necessary I will bring the cucumber home, so that I do not repeatedly go to the fields. Ilala, how shocked the deer when he found someone who was guarding the field. stealing hiding while waiting for the guard to leave.
"Aku akan membuat perutku kenyang,agar tak berkali-kali ke ladang itu.Kalau perlu aku akan membawa timun itu pulang ,agar aku tidak berkali-kali ke ladang.Olala,betapa terkejutnya kancil saat mendapati ada yang menjaga di ladang .Kancil yang berniat mencuri pun bersembunyi sambil menanti penjaga itu pergi.
But for a long time he waited for the man not to leave. The very hungry mouse deer finally gave up. He went away without carrying cucumbers.
Tapi sudah lama ia menunggu orang itu tak juga pergi.Kancil yang sudah sangat lapar akhirnya menyerah.Ia pun pergi kerumh tanpa membawa timun.

moral message
do not imitate the deer nature that likes to steal.
jangan tiru sifat kancil yang suka mencuri.

Thanks for reading BEDTIME STORY 4 FOR CHILDREN in my blog.


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