Formerly in Betawi, there was a warrior named Pitung. He was a child from Bang Piun and Mpok Pinah. He was often called Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung is a kind warrior. Dahulu di betawi,ada seorang pendekar bernama pitung.Ia adalah anak dari bang Piun dan Mpok pinah.Ia sering di panggil dengan sebutan bang Pitung.Bang Pitung adalah pendekar yang baik hati. bedient to religion and like to help others. Pang Pitung also has extraordinary powers. He is not able to penetrate weapons. Neighbors neighbors Pitung live in shortage. The pitung also feels pity. Especially the rich people get richer, regardless poor people. Patuh terhadap agama dan suka menolong sesama.Bang Pitung pun memiliki kesaktian yang luar biasa.Ia tak mempan di tembus senjata.Tetangga-tetangga bang Pitung hidup serba kekurangan.Bang pitung pun merasa iba.Apalagi orang-orang yang kaya semakin kaya,tanpa memperdulikan rakyat yang miskin. "I have to do something to help the people," said Bang Pitung. Bang Pitung als

Merpati has never broken a promise(Merpati tak pernah ingkar janji)

The pigeon family is gathering. It seems they are talking about something. "We must be home before nightfall. Remember the party will be at night," said pigeon father. Apparently the party will be held that night.
Keluarga merpati sedang berkumpul.Tampaknya mereka sedang membicarakan sesuatu."Kita harus sudah berada di rumah sebelum malam tiba.Ingat pesta akan di adalan malam nanti,"ucap ayah merpati.Rupanya malam itu akan di adakan pesta.
Actually the pigeon has an appointment with his friends. Maybe, he will be outside until night, but the party is also very important. He can't leave him.
Sebenarnya merpati sudah ada janji dengan teman-temannya.Mungkin ,ia akan berada di luar sampai malam,namun pesta itu juga sangat penting.Ia tak bisa meninggalkannya.
"If I'm late it's okay right? The dove finally asks permission." You don't have to go home before night falls! Firmly pigeon daddy. "Okay, dad, I promise to go home before night falls," promised the pigeon.
"Kalau aku terlambat tidak apa-apa kan?merpati akhirnya minta izin."Tidak kau harus pulang sebelum malam tiba!Tegas ayah merpati."Baiklah ayah aku janji akan pulang sebelum malam tiba,"janji merpati.
They rushed to a place. He will meet eman-friends there. Unfortunately pigeon friends do not keep promises. They arrive late.
Mereka pun bergegas ke suatu tempat.Ia akan menemui eman-temannya disana.Sayangnya teman-teman merpati tidak menepati janji.Mereka datang terlambat.
"Huh, why is it only me who is on time? Even though we promised to meet here," complained the dove. Not for long, their friends came. "Sorry, I'm late, I have to help my mother," said the rabbit, giving reason.
"Huh,kenapa hanya aku yang selalu tepat waktu?Padahal kami sudah berjanji akan bertemu disini,"keluh merpati.Tak selang beberapa lama,teman-teman mereka datang."Maaf,aku terlambat,aku harus membantu ibuku,"ucap kelinci,memberi alasan.
"I also have to help my father first," said the bat, participating in giving reasons. They didn't feel guilty. You don't want the doves to forgive them. He wants his business to be finished.
Inevitably the pigeon forgives both of them. He wants his business to be completed quickly. And fulfills his father's promise. Many of the pigeons have to do. When the night has passed, then pigeons can go home.
Mau tak mau merpati memaafkan kedunya.Ia ingin urusannya cepat selesai.Dan memenuhi janji ayahnya.Rupanya banyak yang harus merpati kerjakan.Saat hari sudah berinjak malam,barulah merpati dapat pulang kerumah.
On the way the pigeons see the ants. Ulala, the ants fall carried by the river water, the pigeons are confused. "If I help the ants, I might be late going home," thought the pigeon. Meanwhile the ants continue to ask for help.
Diteperjalanan merpati melihat semut.Olala,semut itu jatuh terbawa arus air sungai,merpati pun kebingungan."Jikaaku menolong semut,bisa-bisa aku terlambat pulang ke rumah,"pikir merpati.Sementara itu semut terus meminta tolong.
Feeling sorry for the ants, the pigeons help the ants. He lifts the ants from the river water. The pigeon is getting late after helping the ants. As soon as the pigeons go home late. "I'd better hurry home. speed up the road.
Merasa kasihan kepada semut,merpati pu menolong semut.Ia mengangkat semut dari air sungai.Hari semakin gelapsaat merpati usai menolong semut.Wah sepetinya merpati terlambat pulang ke rumah."Lebih baik aku bergegas pulang.Aku sudah berjanji kepada ayah,"gumam merpati sambil mempercepat jalannya.
it's true that pigeons arrived at home when the sky was dark. "I'm sorry, dad. I'm late going home, said the dove regretfully." It's okay to do pigeons. It's important you keep promises. Doves never break promises. Daddy knows why you're late, "said father well.
Benar saja merpati sampai di rumah ketika langit sudah gelap."Maafkan aku ayah.Aku terlambat pulang,ucap merpati penuh penyesalan."Tidak apa-apa merpatiYang penting kau menepati janji.Merpati tak pernah ingkar janjiLgi pula ayah tahu mengapa kau terlambat,"ucap ayah dengan baik.
Suddenly the ant appeared from behind pigeon's father. Apparently he had told him everything that had happened. How happy the dove was, because his father was not angry with him.
Tiba-tiba semut muncul dari balik ayah merpati.Rupanya ia telah menceritakan semuanya yang terjadi.Betapa senangnya merpati,karena ayahnya tak marah kepadanya.

moral message
Friend, if you have promised, it must be fulfilled.
kawan, jika kalian sudah berjanji,maka harus ditepati.

Thanks for reading BEDTIME STORY 4 FOR CHILDREN in my blog.


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